Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This really just happened

You know the part in The Matrix where Morpheus takes Neo and confronts him with the truth about life and the matrix and Neo freaks out and can't breathe and blows chunks? Yeah well, the same thing kind of happened to me just now (minus the puking). See below:

and this:

Can you believe it?? I know!! The Very Best Author in the entire world gave me a shout out. I am thankful, honored, and so very happy.


  1. OMG!! That is so exciting!!!! It's so cool when things like that happen. Once John Cusack said 'thanks' to me on twitter...I had a stargasm.

    1. Yeah, I was floating on air for an hour after. Very cool about John Cusack. I love how twitter makes famous people so accessible to us common folk.

  2. OMG that is SO awesome!! and i love anne rice; such a great author.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

    1. I know, right? *happy dance* Thanks for stopping by.
