Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hump Day

So I was wondering, has a Priest ever fallen asleep during confession? Just curious. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Yesterday at the grocery store I sampled a handful of grapes in the Produce Section without paying. I couldn't help it, they were so juicy and sweet! Father? Hello? *Snooooooore* I mean, that would be embarrassing, don't you think? Also, this was a totally made up scenario and not at all based on anything that I might have done. And now let's get to it, Hump Day Confessions of a Fearless Scribe.

Vodka and Soda

There's nothing better than having a Bomb Pop on a hot summer night. Especially when a storm's brewing and lightning is all around. I'm one of those few weirdos who gets all excited for a good thunderstorm.


Also, Bomb Pop sticks now have riddles on them. I guess this is more for the kids with popsicle juice dripping down their arms and not for the cynical grown up watching the sky light up. In case you can't read it, the riddle asks: What kind of tree would have the best bark? Answer: Dogwood.

Har Har

Been catching up on our movies by watching those we missed in the theaters because we were too busy/broke/undecided. So, thanks to the library (and my *cough* unwavering *cough* patience the last 5 months while waiting for these to become available) we got to see Gravity. I liked it. Bill thought it was okay. We also watched Captain Phillips, which was really good. Of course the guys loved the end with the Seal team. Oh hell, who am I kidding? I loved that part, too. And then of course, there was one night last week where Sixteen Candles and Jaws were on simultaneously. Both are excellent movies so how could I choose? I didn't and watched both.

Lastly, I'd like to send out some love (and Belgian chocolates) to the Humpday Link up lady herself because she's got the blogging blues. Kathy, this one's for you.



  1. awww, thanks for the shoutout, lady!! perfect gif, too :)

    i dont mind seeing movies in the theaters but i only give my money for ones that are worth it. i heard transformers is shit so waiting for DVD for that one!

    thanks for linking up!
    Vodka and Soda

    1. So glad you liked it!
      As for movies, I'm the same; if I really want to see it and it looks like it's going to be good, I'm in. We liked Transformers but it was loooong.

  2. I wasn't a huge Gravity fan- too slow for me. But Captain Philipps was so good!

    1. *Gravity Spoiler! You are warned.*
      I was more pissed that Clooney's character was killed off in the first 1/2 hour.

  3. I haven't watched Gravity but I heard it was a really slow but I'll probably end up watching it as soon as it's on TV otherwise I go to the movies - a lot!

    1. To me, Gravity is like Tom Hanks' Castaway but set in outer space.
