Monday, January 30, 2012

Love makes it all worth it

Ah the joys of Motherhood.

First there's pregnancy. The nausea, puking, backaches. Your stomach grows so that you resemble a Macy's parade balloon.

Then comes labor in all its excruciating glory; the pushing, the yelling, the mess and finally a baby.  And then there are the sleepless nights and a routine of eat, sleep, poop and repeat.

Followed by:
Chasing after a newly walking and then running, toddler on the loose.

Stepping on Legos and assorted action figures in the middle of the night.

Cleaning up missed aim even after repeating the phrase, "Do pee pee into the toilet."

Temper tantrums because he doesn't want to be there wherever there is and total meltdowns because he's hungry.

The many 'nots': Not eating what you prepared, not listening when you say "don't touch that", not wanting to do homework.

The endless cleaning of stickiness, spillages, crumbs, and fingerprints.

And then one day he hugs you and says, "Mom, I could never get a better mother than you. I love you."

And that, well, that wipes away all the pain and challenging times and makes it all worth it.


  1. How true, how true! The hugs and kisses help along the way as well.

  2. Yeah, I tend to be one to hold grudges, but whenever my daughter gives me a shaky, tear-stained, "I wubv woo, Mommy," following a meltdown, all traces of anger and exasperation vanish and I basically turn into a pile of mush.

  3. Oh yes, those words and the big eyes and the smile make up for everything.

    1. Right? Too bad that doesn't work for adults.

  4. This is great! I can't wait till my little boy can tell me those things! (Hopefully he will! Ha!) Right now he just gives me kisses and that just melts my heart! All the crying and fussing... gone. My heart is just filled with love. :) Great post!

    1. Talking has its advantages like saying "I love yous" and all but beware the parrot who repeats everything you say. And I mean EVERYTHING! lol. And yes kisses are the best.

  5. This is so very true. I recently put together a list of 10 songs I'd include in a soundtrack of my life. The last song I included was by John Denver - I watch you sleeping. I put together a video of my boys. It is worth it - in spite of everything else. (

    1. That's very cool. I have a soundtrack of music just for my son. I should put it together in a list.

  6. This is so sweet, and so true! That little "I luf you Mommy" makes my entire day worthwhile :)

    1. They know just how to get to you, don't they?

  7. Just past 2 years and we've hit most of those items. Looking forward to what's next.

  8. Oh, those darn Legos in the middle of the night! Ouch!

  9. Awww... those hugs are the best! Random "I love you, Mummy" gets my kid a "Get Out of Jail Free" card without fail! LOL!
